
How to make an Eco-brick ?

1. Get your plastic ready

Any plastic you use in your brick must be completely dry and single-used; any dirt might lead to bacterial infection and the formation of biogas within your brick, causing the bottle to swell and the top to burst out.

2. Pick a bottle

Any size bottle can be used to make an eco-brick. Be sure you have used a bottle from a product which you use frequently – you aren't required to buy a new plastic bottle only to create eco-bricks.

3. Get your stick ready to push the plastic with stick

You'll need a stick that's about a third the width of a normal bottle opening, or about 6mm in diameter. Your stick should be nearly twice as tall as your bottle and have a little rounded tip. Pointed sticks should be avoided because they can damage your bottle. Once you get an appropriate stick you're good to go once you've found an appropriate stick of the right size and form. You’re required to push the plastic with the stick to fill the bottle more with single-use plastic.

4. No glass, metals or biodegradables

Any size bottle can be used to make an eco-brick. Be sure you have used a bottle from a product which you use frequently – you aren't required to buy a new plastic bottle only to create eco-bricks.

5. Make sure you don't overfill your brick

However your brick should not be pressing against the lid, since this may cause the lid to come off.

6. Tighten the cap

To keep your eco-bricks as solid as possible, make sure they are packed as tightly as possible. Too weak bricks can't be used for construction because they're not strong enough. Also, the more you pack into your bottle, less and less plastic ends up in nature.

7. Put it in a swachhta bag and repeat the process

Once you are done with the above steps, just store your eco-brick and put the eco-brick in a swachhta bag with other dry waste in it.

8.Keep filling it on a daily basis

Keep filling your eco-brick as you get single use plastic in your home, simply pour all such plastic in eco-brick on daily basis.