
Read and capture our Lifestyle

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  • Plastic Waste Is A Big Problem
    Plastic waste is a collection of plastic objects (such as plastic water bottles, any plastic packaging item) in the world that has a negative impact on animals, wildlife populations, and people. The most common hazard harming the aquatic ecosystem is plastic pollution.
  • Harmful For Animals
    Plastic is not only harmful to humans but also very harmful to animals as thousands of animals, ranging from birds to fishes to other ocean species, are killed each year by plastic. Plastics are known to already have harmed a lot of unknown species, including some that are threatened.
  • Pollution By Single-Use Plastics
    Although plastic has several good uses, humans have developed a dependency on single-use or trash plastic, which has serious environmental effects. Every minute, over a million small plastic bottles, are bought around the world, and 5 trillion single-use plastic bags are used annually.
  • Challenges for India with waste management.
    India, the world’s second most populous country, has numerous challenges to its development. Solid waste management is a serious issue that requires immediate action.
  • Plastic is part of life now for everyone
    Plastic has now become the part of our everyone’s life. In every second thing you will find plastic as right now, if you glance around your kitchen or office, you’ll probably realise that you’ve been surrounded by plastic.